
In TomaaS Ecosystem, it is largely classified into Mobility Service Provider, Tomaas Protocol, Tomaas NFT Holder, and Mobility Service User.

TomaaS Protocol provides a TomaaS Staking Pool and encourages NFT Holders and Mobility Service Providers to actively participate in the Staking Pool. Various fees incurred in operating the protocol can be used for the liquidity of the staking pool or to grow the community ecosystem.

Mobility Service Provider actually manages Mobility Devices and provides Mobility Services. By depositing NFTs corresponding to real assets in the TomaaS Staking Pool, NFT holders can smoothly provide interest profits.

Mobility Servive Users are general users who use Mobility Services and can enjoy various Mobility Services that we encounter in our daily lives. Whenever a Mobility Service User linked to TomaaS uses the Mobility Service, a portion of the usage amount is accumulated as TomaaS Token in the wallet linked to his/her account. Users can cash this token or use it when using the next mobility service.

There are two kinds of TomaaS NFT Holders, one is TRN Holder, another one is TLN Holder. Since TRN is Proof of Owning Mobility Device, TRN holders can get reward from the device operating profit.

However, as TLN is the concept of "Providing Liquidity", TLN holders can get reward from liquidity provision to Staking Pool.

In addition, various benefits can be obtained when using the Mobility Service, a partner of the actual TomaaS Project, through future updates. At the same time, as a member of the TomaaS Community, you will be able to participate in important decisions necessary for the development of the ecosystem.

β€» At the beginning of the project, the status of Mobility Service sales will be disclosed every time the profit is distributed (once a week). When the development of the service is completed in the future, you will be able to check the sales status of the Mobility Service in real time.

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